Friday, 4 September 2009

Week 3 - the pupils are working hard

We've had an extremely busy week. We visited the Tourist Centre and attended the Cool Seas Roadshow - they both have their own blog entries below this one.

During the rest of the week we've been working very hard. We took lots of photos this week as we kept reminding Mrs MacNab to take photos. We even took the camera with us to PE to record what we did with Mrs Cromarty.

We've looked at lines of symmetry in maths with Ms Mackay. Primary 3 created a lovely display of butterflies, all with one line of symmetry.

We taught Mrs MacNab the rules of Westray dodgeball!

In writing we used the VCOP superheroes to help us connect sentences and think of good openers for sentences.

We did more times tables in maths. Sometimes we use things like cubes to help us with multiplication and sometimes we use the times tables to help us. We're getting really good at the 5x table now, and some people are working on the 3x table.

Sometimes we play games to help us practise our times tables.

We played instruments in music.

We looked at directions again this week. It was a bit easier this week because we had a big grid we could walk on.

Some of us typed the reports we all helped to write about the Cool Seas Roadshow and the visit to the Tourist Office.

We enjoyed PE!

Some people made baby turtles with Mrs Stanger. We're going to finish them next week.

We hope you've enjoyed our long blog entry! Mrs MacNab says we won't always do long blogs like this.
Did you know you can add comments to our blog for us to read?

Our first class trip

In the pupils' own words ...

On Tuesday the first of September we went to the Tourist Office.

The manager showed us around.

She told us about what tourists ask like where you could stay, places to eat, where they could visit. We got lots of information. They had lots for sale in the gift shop.

We got lots of leaflets and books and maps to take back to class for our tourist information office.

We all enjoyed our visit to the tourist information office.

The Cool Seas Roadshow

The class went to the Cool Seas Roadshow. Here it is - in their own words...
We went to the Cool Seas Roadshow. It was very interesting. It had lots of information about whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks and seals.

Did you know that turtles have to go to really hot countries to lay eggs in the hot sand?

Did you know that there are7 different types of sea turtle?

Leatherbacks are the biggest and they eat jellyfish. 6 of the 7 types of turtle are endangered. You can help by adopting a turtle here.

There were posters and life-size marine animals for us to see.

  • Don’t let go of helium balloons
  • Do not let rubbish fly away in to the sea. An animal might eat it and die.

We really enjoyed it.

 We might be able to adopt a turtle. We hope you can help as well.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Week 2 - 28/8/09

We did some more times tables this week. We think the 2x and 10x table are easy but the 5x table is harder. We did some work with 2D shape in maths too, and we really enjoyed it. We made patterns from some of the shapes. Mrs MacNab finally remembered to take photos of us enjoying practising our times tables by playing different games. P4 got a new best time with the orange loop cards.

We wrote about our favourite places in Orkney. It was interesting to find out where other people's favourite places were. Drama was fun too - we did a lot of mime, and we had to pretend that a tub was something else and mime what it was and everyone else had to guess. The tub became a football, TV and even a vinegar bomb!

We are enjoying our Holiday Orkney topic. We looked at some maps in the atlas and did some work on directions. We thought directions were pretty tricky, especially when some people forgot which was right and which was left. We're going to be doing more work on that next week.