Friday, 18 September 2009

Week 5 news

We're still all enjoying maths and working hard on our times tables. We do some pages in the workbooks and textbooks, but we also play lots of games to help with our tables. We're hoping that we'll be able to do maths outside sometimes.

In PE we're still working on ball skills. We split up into small groups and practised passing, then had a game of skittle rounders. It ended up a draw!

This is us having a discussion about local produce. We were trying to decide whether food was healthy or unhealthy and had lots of discussion about it. Then we tried to work out which food came from Orkney. We realised that all of it could be bought in the supermarket, but not all of it was grown or made in Orkney.

Do you like the turtles we made? They are baby loggerhead turtles, like the ones we learned about at the Cool Seas Roadshow.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Our Tourist Office

We've been making progress with our class tourist office. It's been set up, although it's not quite finished yet.

Do you like puffin corner?

This is P4 making brochures about transport to and transport in Orkney. P3 made posters.

We used the computers for designing covers for our topic jotters. We used WordArt to make them. They were really colourful.

We also used the computers to do research about transport for the brochures and posters we made.

Next week we're going on 2 trips, to see some accomodation that tourists stay in. We're going to visit a hotel and the campsite and we're really looking forward to it. We've started making questionnaires so we can find out lots of information while we're there. We hope it doesn't rain on those days!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

International Education

Our class are hoping to set up a link with a school in British Columbia, Canada.

Some of the class met some Canadians this summer and went paddling in a very big canoe with them. Mrs MacNab went too!