Today we watched the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour. We saw the crew get ready and get strapped in and then we watched the launch. We wrote newspaper articles about it. We hope you enjoy reading them.
The Endeavour takes off by Rosie
About half past nine this morning the Space Shuttle went at 1800 miles per hour to the International Space Station. It went to deliver some new things to experiment with. It was going to go a few days ago but the weather was too bad but today the Space Shuttle left. By now it will be there. On it there were five men and one lady.
The Space Shuttle takes off by Amy
The Space Shuttle is called Endeavour. It took off at about half past nine and it took off in Florida. Then it blasted into the International Space Station. It went to the International Space Station to do more science experiments.
Space Shuttle launch by Ashleigh
This morning the Space Shuttle took off in Florida. The Space Shuttle’s name was called Endeavour. It was going to the International Space Station. It was gigantic and noisy. They were taking potions to the space station. It was going at 1800 miles an hour. They did a countdown.
Space Shuttle takes off by Joe
On Monday morning at half past nine the Endeavour took off to go to the International Space Station to put a new science lab on the space station. It took off from Florida in the United States. It went at 1800 miles per hour.
Off to space by Alanah
This morning at half past 9 our time in Britain a space ship was launched in Florida. Florida is in USA, the United States of America. There were 5 men astronauts and 1 lady astronaut. The astronauts are going to the International Space Station to do experiments in space. They counted down from 10 to 1 and after 1 they all said LIFT OFF! The space ship went up to 1800 miles per hour. The space ship was called the Endeavour. The space ship was very very very loud. The space ship is whitey grey and it said United States on it. I think that it was very fun to watch.
NASA Rocket Takes off! by Molly H
On Monday the Endeavour (one of NASA’s rockets) launched in Florida at about 9:30. We saw a clip on Mrs MacNab’s laptop there was tons of smoke and flames. The reason they went up is to add a new room to the International Space Station. Endeavour took off at 1800mph and to get into their seats the spacemen and women climbed onto their seats and they were lying down but when they were in space thankfully they would be the right way round. There were 5 spacemen and 1 spacewoman. When the Space Shuttle lifted off it made a really loud noise like thunder. I wonder where the rocket is now?
11 years ago
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