Last Wednesday we went to Scapa beach, We went by bus. When we got to the beach we got off the bus and sat on the sand and we got colour cards to look for your own colour. Next we were looking for an interesting stone if you found one you had to explain why it is interesting. Then the teachers got a Nature detective book we had to tick the things we found then we had our snack. When we finished our snack we played a game. When the P3 went back to school the P4 did a Bag the Bruck we got about 70 pieces of rubbish. I was happy because it was fun.
by Magnus
Last week we went on a trip to Scapa beach. We were going there to learn about the coast. We were all given a different colour of card which we had to match it to something in the environment around us, we gathered lots of matching things and put them in trays so we could take them back to class and look at them.
We played a food chain game that was really fun. It was about the midges chasing the otter, the otter chasing the salmon and the salmon chasing the midges.
I helped my class “Bag the Bruck”, we bagged around 70 things from the beach.
Mrs Whitworth came with us and she taught us about birds and seaweed and how to protect the environment.
by Ronan
11 years ago