Saturday, 8 May 2010

I wonder...

Working together, we wrote some 'I wonder' poems about the coast.

Do you know the answers?

I wonder...

Do crabs lay eggs under rocks?
How big is an adult whale?
What lives on cliffs?
How big is a puffin?
How are big cliffs made?
How many whales are there?

I wonder...

Why are rocks heavy?
How do fish swim?
What do jellyfish eat?
What do crab eggs look like?
How can jellyfish sting?
Who invented lighthouses?
How many people go to the beach?

I wonder...

Why is the sea salty?
Why do crabs hide?
How fast can sharks swim?
How are waves made?
What do fish eat?
How do dolphins jump?

Do whales lay eggs?
How heavy is a crab?
What is a mermaid’s purse?
What does a shark eat?
How are waves made?
Why are stones sometimes pink?

Friday, 7 May 2010

Coastal poetry

We've been writing poems about the coast and its wildlife. We hope you like them.

If you view the slideshow as full screen and then pause each slide you should be able to read our poems.
Here's the first 8 poems:
(Alanah, Abbie, Amy, James, Joe, Jessica, Ewan, Dani)

And here's the rest:
(Molly, Molly, Magnus, Kaitlyn, Lee, Reid)

Mrs MacNab says sorry about the quality but uploading them seems to change the quality settings so they're not as easy to read as they should be.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


We've been doing some storytelling for our link school in Canada.  We've now got 3 stories put onto our wiki - we hope other people will listen to them too, and maybe even leave comments for us here.
You can find the link to the wiki in "Class 3/4's Links" on the right of this blog, or click here to be taken direct to the Orkney storytelling page.

We hope you enjoy listening to our stories.

Our Canadian orcas

We've been painting Canadian style orcas in art. We hope you like them.

Do you know why we're doing Canadian style art?

It's because our link school is in Canada. They're the Outma Sqilx Cultural School in Penticton in the Okanagan region of British Columbia. We wonder if they've seen orcas?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Money, money, money

We're doing money in maths at the moment. Here we are playing money bingo.

We enjoy playing games on the whiteboard too.

Some people helped set up the shop. Now we'll be able to go shopping and practise buying things and giving change. We'll have to work out what we can afford to buy. We wonder how much money Mrs MacNab will let us spend.

We've done lots of other things this week too.

This isn't music (though we look like a choir) - it's actually drama.

Here we are practising our spelling words.

We're doing SRA reading comprehension. Most people love it!

We looked up information about coasts, watched some videos of waves creating coastal features like caves and found out what sand is made of. We started making our own sand too.

We practised our passing skills in football.

In Golden Time we had lots of fun!  What would you choose to do?
(We made these things and took all the photos ourselves too.)

Under the sea ...

Under the sea is a nice play to be .... to think, or read.

This is the under the sea corner in the classroom. We have this because we are studying the coast this term. In Golden Time craft we are making things to go under the sea. What do you think we will make?

Here we are in Circle Time playing a game. Do you think we managed to pass the keys round without making a sound? We had to try it with a tambourine too.

We're doing some work with Mr Giles in drama this term. It's great fun!

We're all hoping to build our confidence at performing so that we are confident when we do our class assembly later this term.