Our topic this term has been Our Solar System. As part of it we've been looking at the night sky - we've watched the moon changing and we've spotted some constellations, like Orion and the Plough. We made our own constellations and wrote myths to explain how they got into the sky. We hope you like them. Maybe, if you look very hard, you'll spot our constellations in the sky....
Shargeth the greedy dinosaur!
Shargeth was a dinosaur, the only dinosaur left after the snow came. Shargeth managed to find a good enough shelter. He had lots of food but he was that hungry he ate everything. Then he had no food left and he went to bed. When he got up he decided to go out and look for some tasty food but it was all hidden up in the snow. Then he saw the moon. He said “It looks like cheese. Cheese will make a good meal.” Shargeth stood up on his back legs and jumped with his mouth open and tipped up and ate the moon. When he swallowed the moon millions of birds lifted him up to the sky and he turned into a constellation. The moon dropped out of his belly and it managed to escape back into the sky. Now when you look to the sky you can see him still trying to eat the moon with his mouth wide open.
by James, Magnus, Rosie & Kaitlyn
Asim the warrior
Once there was a warrior called Asim. He was a brave and strong man. He won all his battles and he was rich. Then he decided to make an offering to the Gods, a big tree. So he went to cut the tree with his axe. As soon as he got the axe into the tree, it started to fall and the top of the tree got him on the head and he die. Then the Gods decided that he was so nice they took him into the sky and made him a constellation.
by Ashleigh, Joe, Amy & Jessica
The Hero’s Sword
Once upon a time there was a hunter called Linke who saved the King three times. He had the sword since he was 16 and now he is 40. It was a big and shiny sword that could cut through anything except for gold. Once he was hunting a massive monster and he pulled his sword back but the monster killed him. The Gods picked up the sword and threw it into the sky to remind people of the great hunter.
by Dani, Lee, Reid & Ewan
Mariah the Swan
Long long ago lived a swan called Mariah. She was white and she lived in the Peedie Sea. She liked to fly up in the sky. One day she flew up high in the sky. She was so excited that she went so high that Orion the Hunter could see her. Orion thought that she was beautiful and he was lonely so he pulled her up into the night sky and now she is up in the sky beside Orion for us to see her beauty. Every time Mariah had a good thought a shooting star comes out of her eyes.
by Alanah, Abbie, Martyna, Molly & Molly
11 years ago
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