Friday 29 January 2010

Magic potions, science experiments and more.

We learned a new game in Drama. It was like rock, paper, scissors but we had to pretend to be people from Greek myths and do actions. Can you guess who we are?

We used the myth masks again. We asked the minotaur if he liked pizza.

Mesuda said she liked her red eyes but if she wanted a different colour she could paint them a different colour each day. We thought that sounded cool.

Zeus and Daedalus were asked lots of questions about their favourite food and what they liked doing. Everyone was good at pretending to be the different characters and improvising (quickly making up) answers.

We did a science experiment. We had to get water, containers, apples and marbles. We used maths to help us because we had to measure water and weigh things.

We found that when an apple floated in the water it made water spill out of the container - and the water that spilled out weighed the same as the apple.

Some groups tried the same experiment with marbles in a yoghurt pot and found that the weight of the marbles in the yoghurt pot floating on the water was the same as the weight of the water which spilled out.

We were quite surprised to find that 1/2 kg of water was the same as 1/2 litre of water and 1kg of water was the same as 1l of water!

We did another experiement with marbles as well and then we had to write a report about it.

We were interested to find out that the first experiment is to do with our Ancient Greece topic from last term because a man called Archimedes worked this out years ago. He was Greek and he had to find out if the King's crown was really gold. He got into his bath and water spilled out and he realised he could do an experiement like the one we did to find out whether the crown was gold. He was so excited that he jumped out of his bath and ran down the street shouting "Eureka! Eureka!" (it means "I've got it! I've got it!"). The funny thing was - he didn't put on any clothes before he ran down the street! We wondered what all the other people thought of him?

In maths we are still practising our times tables. Sometimes we do a table square and try to beat our time from the week before.

P3 had more practice at measuring capacity and used it to solve problems.

P4 made their own magic potions. They had to measure small amounts like 50ml very carefully.

Here we are with the finished magic potions.

What do you think the magic potions can do?

In PE with Mrs MacNab we are making up our own games and learning to change the rules so that other people can join in or to make the game easier or more difficult. We enjoy it!
P3 are teaching P4 their game here.

In PE with Mrs Cromarty we are still doing gymnastics. We love it too!

How high can you climb?

Here we are doing craft in Golden Time. We were making recycled winter pictures - using things like old wallpaper and pieces of string. We thought that was very environmentally friendly.

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